Education Expertise

Education Expertise

We help school districts and education or youth-service organizations use data and evidence to improve outcomes for students and children.

Bringing Your Data Together

Schools and youth-serving organizations have lots of data but it is often scattered across a few different places. Some data is stored in your Learning Management System (LMS). Other data comes from third party software or standardized tests. Other crucial pieces of data are stored in spreadsheets. We work with school districts and departments to make their data actionable, accessible, and dynamic.

Data Informed Practices through Visualization

Data fluency is a skill that some members of an organization may have but generally not a strength. We help organizations become data informed by providing them their data visualized. When teams work together to process data in a visual format they are able to ask better questions, have a deeper understanding of their data and their organization, and make data informed decisions.

Know Your Stakeholders, Serve Your Members

Schools and associations of schools often use surveys as a means of collecting data and gathering feedback. Often the results of surveys come in a spreadsheet or a predefined set of charts and graphs. We work with schools and school associations to help them better leverage their survey data through visualizations and dashboards. We also engage in deeper research projects to answer complex questions and provide actionable results to organizations to improve service delivery. 

Education Experience

We have worked with a wide variety of schools, educational organizations, and youth-supporting government agencies and non-profits. AH Datalytics brings over twenty years of experience in public and private schools as a teacher and school leader. We understand the various responsibilities and needs of schools, school leaders, and organizations that support schools and students. Our work helps schools around the world and across the country improve classroom education, manage and deliver change, improve leadership practices, and use data to improve performance. 

Our clients have included:

  • Bureau of Indian Education – Family and Children Education program (FACE)
  • The Association of Boarding Schools
  • The Canadian Accredited Independent Schools
  • Son of a Saint
  • Trinity College School
  • Independent Schools of St. Louis
  • City Academy
  • South Bend Empowerment Zone